Schedule of Events - Fall 2022
October 27 (Thu) | 5PM HK time CBC, LG1/F, Chow Yei Ching Building, HKU “An Ecology of Art Space in the East Asian City” Elizabeth Briel (EBriel Studio at the Creative Arts Centre) & Ying Zhou (HKU) Trude Renwick (HKU), Moderator
November 14 (Mon) | 9PM HK time Zoom “China's Reverse Migration: Towards a Theory of Shortage” David Zweig (UST & Taipei School of Economics and Political Science, National Tsinghua University) Pete Millwood (HKU), Moderator
November 30 (Wed) | 5PM HK time CPD-G.02, G/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU “Digital Humanities, AI, and Possible Roads Ahead” Javier Cha (HKU) & Tara Lee (HKU) Peter Cobb (HKU), Moderator
Dec 6 (Tue) | 4PM HK time CPD-7.58, 7/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU "I Will Find You a Shanghai Home: A Video Essay Workshop" Dylan Suher (HKU) Elizabeth LaCouture (HKU), Discussant Linda C. Lai (City University of Hong Kong), Discussant