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October 26: Yu Zhang - Going to the Countryside as Modern Experience

October 26, 5PM (HK Time), Hybrid mode

Venue: Room 4.36, 4/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

Dr. Yu Zhang

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Going to the Countryside as Modern Experience

House rules for attending in-person

According to the University’s Guidelines on Infection Control Measures,

  1. Since the number of participants at any events held on campus should not exceed 75% of the maximum seating capacity of the venue, seats will be arranged on a first come-first serve basis;

  2. Body temperature of all participants shall be taken before they enter the venue. Anyone with a fever should be asked to leave the venue and consult a doctor immediately (;

  3. All participants should wear a face mask throughout the event;

  4. All participants should follow the seating plan arranged by the Society to facilitate appropriate physical distancing; and

  5. A record of the seating plan of all participants will be kept by the Society in strict confidence. Such information will only be referred to facilitate contact tracing, if and when necessary.


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