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October 15: Scott Trigg – Visualizing the Configuration (hay’a)

On the Role of Manuscript Images in two 15th c. Astronomical Commentaries

October 15, 11:AM, virtual conference

Dr. Scott Trigg Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Faculty of Arts, HKU

Visualizing the Configuration (hay’a): On the Role of Manuscript Images in two 15th c. Astronomical Commentaries

Scott Trigg organized a panel at the recent Middle East Studies Association 2020 Annual Meeting (October 5-17), on the topic “New Approaches to the Sciences of the Stars in Islamic Societies.” Dr. Trigg’s paper was titled “Visualizing the Configuration (hayʾa): On the Role of Manuscript Images in two 15th c. Astronomical Commentaries” and he was joined by co-panelists Margaret Gaida (Caltech), Pouyan Shahidi Marnani (Indiana Univ.-Bloomington), and A. Tunç Sen (Columbia).

Program information of the Middle East Studies Association 2020 Annual Meeting is available at


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