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Monica Lee Steinberg


Monica Lee Steinberg is Assistant Professor in American Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at HKU. She received her Ph.D. from The Graduate Center of The City University of New York in modern and contemporary art history. Dr. Steinberg’s research pivots at the intersection of visual culture, art, new media, and law and politics of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, with a specific focus on fictional attribution, legal studies, and activist humor in a global context.

Dr. Steinberg’s writing has appeared in journals such as American Art, Archives of American Art, and Oxford Art Journal, and exhibition catalogues such as the Venice Biennale’s Love Me, Love Me Not: Contemporary Art from Azerbaijan and its Neighbours and The Abstract Impulse: Fifty Years of Abstraction at the National Academy, 1956-2006.


For a full list of publications, research interests, and talks, see:

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