Maurice Windleburn
Maurice Windleburn received his PhD in Musicology from the University of Melbourne. At the Society of Fellows, he will begin a new research project examining sonic ontologies theorised by philosophers, occultists, scientists and critics in modernist France (1880-1940), and the effects that these theories had on music and other artforms in the same period. In exploring past worldviews that metaphysically privilege sound (or adjacent concepts like music, rhythm, resonance, and vibration), Maurice will provide a richer historical context for the sonic ontologies currently circulating in sound studies and continental philosophy. In addition to preparing a monograph on this topic, he intends to complete a journal article outlining the submerged influence of both the Chinese notion of kan-ying and the Hindu concept of nāda on French sonic ontologies.
Maurice has published his work in several musicological and interdisciplinary journals and has contributed chapters to edited volumes. In addition to his current focus on sonic ontologies, he retains a research interest in contemporary avant-garde music, having published his first book with Routledge on the ‘file card’ compositions of contemporary composer John Zorn, using a methodology reliant on music semiotics and intermedia studies.
Publications (selected)
John Zorn’s File Card Works: Hypertextual Intermediality in Composition and Analysis (Routledge, 2024).
Journal Articles
“French Symbolist Aesthetics and Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Musical Ontology”, Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 46, no. 1 (2023): 124-132.
“Musical Hyperrealism: Exploring Noah Creshevsky’s compositions through Jean Baudrillard’s ideas”, Organised Sound 26, no. 3 (2021): 403-412.
“The Musical Depiction of a Distorted Place, Space and Time: An Interpretation of John Zorn’s Interzone”, Tempo 75, no. 296(2021): 34-45.
Book Chapters
“The Drastic Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Vladimir Jankélévitch”, in Gadamer, Music, & Philosophical Hermeneutics, ed. Sam McAuliffe (Springer, 2023).