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Hanwool Choe

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Hanwool Choe is a discourse analyst who focuses on digital discourse, multimodal interaction, language & food, and life stories. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University in Washington D.C., U.S.A. in 2020. She was awarded a Fulbright scholarship (2013-2015) to obtain her M.A. in Language & Communication at Georgetown University. She completed her B.A. in English Linguistics, with a minor in Education, at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, South Korea, with the highest distinction, in 2012.

During her time at the University of Hong Kong, she intends to investigate how internet generations—Millennials and members of Generation Z— use daily vlogging (video logging of everyday lives, shared on YouTube). By integrating a range of theoretical perspectives, including sociolinguistics, social semiotics, sociology, and anthropology, her proposed study aims to deepen and broaden the evolving interdisciplinary discussions of ‘authenticity’ of identity, language, and food in the context of everyday vlogs. Her project provides a contextual understanding of how cultural shifts and technological affordances are used to create meanings and shape ways of (re)presenting everyday lives, especially among younger generations who are very familiar with emerging technologies and platforms.


She also plans to complete her first monograph, tentatively entitled, What Happens in Your Family Chatroom: Technology, Discourse, and Identity in Korean Families. In it, she examines how contemporary family(-in-law) members multimodally interact with each other via an instant messaging application to perform everyday family lives and familial identities.




Book Chapter

Choe, H. (forthcoming). Chapter 4 Analyzing Korean honorific speech level markers as contextualization cues in family instant messages, In Mary Shin Kim (Ed.) Korean (im)politeness from multidisciplinary and multimodal perspectives: Examinations on diverse interactional contexts and communication platforms. Springer.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Choe, H., and C. Gordon. (forthcoming). "I'm only half Korean but I can relate to a lot of what you said": YouTube story comments as second stories in response to "lunchbox moment" narrative videos. Internet Pragmatics.


Choe, H. (2021). The other-granted self of Korean “comfort women": Analyzing interview           narratives of Korean women coerced into the Japanese military's sexual slavery during World War II. Narrative Inquiry. DOI:


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