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Fellows to take up Tenure-Track positions


26 August 2024


Two fellows have secured new positions over the summer.


Aaron Hames ('25, Anthropology) is taking up the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). 


Also at CUHK, Chinese music specialist Sheryl Chow ('26, Music) will be joining the Department of Music as Assistant Professor as of January 1, 2025.


Let us congratulate them!



Two Junior Scholars to Join the Society of Fellows


26 August 2024 


Bill Kelson (PhD, Univ. of Georgia) is a historian with research interests in Chinese history and the history of global capitalism. At HKU, he will be revising his PhD dissertation, a history of the late-Qing financial crisis of the early 1880s, into a book manuscript, then beginning research on a second book project.


Maurice Windleburn holds a PhD in Musicology from the University of Melbourne. His current research project examines the sonic ontologies theorised by philosophers, occultists, scientists and critics in modernist France (1880-1940), and the effects they had on the arts in this period.​​​​


Creating a vibrant, young research community at the heart of Asia’s top university for the arts and humanities

The Society of Fellows in the Humanities is a prestigious new initiative that attracts exceptional, early-career, post-doctoral scholars from around the world to the University of Hong Kong. Located in one of the world’s most dynamic cities and on Mainland China’s doorstep, HKU offers unique opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research through its commitment to innovation and interdisciplinarity.


The Faculty of Arts is one of the University’s oldest and largest faculties and is consistently recognised as one of the best in Asia for the Arts and Humanities. The Faculty contributes to knowledge development through outstanding scholarship and education. It provides a comprehensive, humanistic, and liberal research environment, a highly internationalised academic staff, and a strong culture- and language-based curriculum.


The Faculty is a recognised centre of research excellence in fields that include Asian Cinema, China Studies, Chinese Philosophy, Art History, History, Law and Literature, Linguistics, and Post-colonial Literatures, and is active in fostering partnerships globally and exploring new means of facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration.






Contact the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at HKU:


G/F Run Run Shaw Heritage House, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong


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